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Anna The sequel is set to be released on November 11, 2014 :)

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 · 27,232 ratings  · 2,344 reviews
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• Lisa •

"I'm not sure if I can function without you, I feel like you've become a vital part of what keeps me breathing."


I don't mind admitting that I'm one of those readers that happily fell straight into love with everything Jodi Ellen Malpas and her 'This man' series. Jesse Ward is an obsession, he was and still is one of my favourite main characters to date and to say that I was a little excited to be meeting another of this authors heroes would be a huge understatemen


"I'm not sure if I can function without you, I feel like you've become a vital part of what keeps me breathing."


I don't mind admitting that I'm one of those readers that happily fell straight into love with everything Jodi Ellen Malpas and her 'This man' series. Jesse Ward is an obsession, he was and still is one of my favourite main characters to date and to say that I was a little excited to be meeting another of this authors heroes would be a huge understatement. 'Promised' was my most anticipated book release of 2014 there was nothing and no one that could keep me away from this book and I happily scooped my paperback copy as soon as it hit the shelves. You can almost guarantee that I'd be attempting to be first in line to grab whatever this author may publish, however as much as I adore this author and have no doubt what so ever at her talent I'm left with conflicted thoughts over how I feel about this novel. Disappointed? I wouldn't quite go that far, but I wanted to fall flat out in love with this novel and sadly it wasn't meant to be. With that all being said it wasn't all doom and gloom, this is a Jodi Ellen Malpas novel after all and readers you can expect those one liners to grab your attention and make you fall in love with her writing.

What's it all about?
For years Olivia has kept her focus on her elderly grandmother and the need to be nothing like the birth mother who abandoned her as a child. Staying close to home and enjoying the comforts of a family bond has meant the world to this sweet but broken beauty and relationships and the chase of love has never been an interest for her. But all that may need to change when she meets the mysterious and utterly compelling man in a suit who introduces himself as 'M'. Confused by her instant attraction Livy can't help but be drawn to this man that she knows nothing about and this aloof character is about to change her world. Offering one night, no feelings, no commitments just adoration and complete pleasure Livy can't stop the attraction that changes all what she thinks she knows about love forever. Follow the secretive love story of a couple that find a surprising obsession with one another that they never knew could happen.


What did I love?
This author has created a fabulous tale of opposites attract, a story where a slightly broken, seemingly sweet girl, gets the opportunity to fall for the mysteriously closed off gentleman. Instantly this book grabbed my attention and if nothing else Ms Malpas has produced a story line that had me turning the pages like a mad woman desperate for more information. There are so many secrets and twists and turns throughout the developing storyline that I was kept guessing all the way through and although I had an idea of what was to come, Ms Malpas certainly kept the intrigue at the forefront of the story telling. As usual with this author there was plenty of precise attention to detail and quirky character traits that gives her books an original edge and there was obvious, loving thought given to the character development. The characters themselves were thought provoking, Olivia and the secretive 'M' both had telltale signs of characters written by this author. Livy was a heroine that I warmed to instantly there are some hidden depths to her sweet facade that made her interesting to read about and I loved her quirky relationship with her grandmother. She also had some back bone throughout the difficult points in the story line and I'm hoping that as the series continues she doesn't loose that sassy side of her personality in fact I'd love to see more. 'M' is a hero that I believe will be a 'grower' the secret of his name is not hidden for too long so there's no need to worry about that side of the story telling but this author is keeping things close to her chest and doesn't reveal too much about the allusive and gentlemanly character. I've yet to fall in love with this trilogies hero but there's time yet for that to happen. Overall I enjoyed this first instalment and I'm happy I spent my time with this most anticipated book release but I didn't feel that five star, love struck feeling about the story as a whole. Would I recommend to readers who love this author? Absolutely. Am I looking forward to November and part two of the trilogy? I'm already counting down the days.


Why not five?
As you've already guessed I like to think of myself as a fan of this author and so it goes without saying that I felt conflicted by my rating. As always I almost feel like I have to justify a three star review, but to those who are not aware a three star rating means that I enjoyed the book and I never wanted to miss out on what was to come but it had something missing for me to fall obsessively in love with the book. So with that reminder out of the way I can go on to tell you a little of what was missing for my reading tastes. Firstly, I missed the fast paced nature of this authors previous writing style, I found myself feeling like the book needed to pick up the pace in parts and dare I say at times I found the story telling a little slow and a tad boring. The novel undoubtably had moments that made my heart race and some of the character conversations had me smiling like a demented Cheshire Cat but sadly I felt those moments didn't carry the story pace enough to have me glued to the dialogue and unravelling plot. I also had moments when I thought the story was somewhat repetitive, I'd find myself excited by the story finally moving forward only to find the characters on loop and straight back at square one again. As I've mentioned I feel conflicted over my thoughts but what I do know is that this author has a writing talent that will always have something to deliver to the reading community and to top it off the last 10 - 15% of this book was a full out glaringly obvious five star ending and it reminded me of why I love this author so much. The characters were interesting and I enjoyed the beginning of this saga but somewhere in between unfortunately there was some love lost. I can already see from reviews posted so far that I'm in the minority here so don't take my word for it as they say 'no two readers read the same book' and I'm hoping that this novel gains some positive attention and a dedicated following.


Final thoughts ...
I can't help but want to applaud this author and I'll explain why, Instead of riding on the coat tails of success from her first trilogy she has respectfully dusted off her 'This man' title and started what seems to be yet another amazing trilogy, stepping up and writing again after great success must have taken courage and guts and I'm glad that Jodi Ellen Malpas has put herself out there once again. The start of this trilogy may have left me feeling conflicted overs my thoughts but nothing will keep me from queuing up with the rest of the Jodi Ellen Malpas enthusiasts ready for book two. Those who are ready to fall for a mysterious hero that keeps you guessing will need to get themselves well aquatinted with this novel. 'M' is waiting for you readers ... Enjoy, kisses.


SueBee★bring me an alpha!★
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Books in One Night Series should be read in order:
Book 1: Promised
Book 2: Denied
Book 3: Untitled

Hero rating: 4 stars
Heroine rating: 3 stars
Sexual tension rating: 3.5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Plot rating: 3.75 stars
Dialogue rating: 4 stars
Storytelling rating: 4.5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4 star

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Books in One Night Series should be read in order:
Book 1: Promised
Book 2: Denied
Book 3: Untitled

Hero rating: 4 stars
Heroine rating: 3 stars
Sexual tension rating: 3.5 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Plot rating: 3.75 stars
Dialogue rating: 4 stars
Storytelling rating: 4.5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4 stars

Would I re-read this series: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

Mar 28, 2014 rated it liked it
3.5 'my thing' stars!

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Jodi Ellen Malpas is a talented writer and a favorite author of mine. Following a series like 'This Man' seems like an impossible feat. It was one of my favorites and Jesse Ward is on my top book boyfriends list. Although I didn't love 'One Night Promised' as much as I loved 'This Man', it was still a good read for me. I feel like the rest of the series has loads of potential and will just get better from here.

Livy Taylor is a 24 year old girl who works in a coffee shop

3.5 'my thing' stars!

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Jodi Ellen Malpas is a talented writer and a favorite author of mine. Following a series like 'This Man' seems like an impossible feat. It was one of my favorites and Jesse Ward is on my top book boyfriends list. Although I didn't love 'One Night Promised' as much as I loved 'This Man', it was still a good read for me. I feel like the rest of the series has loads of potential and will just get better from here.

Livy Taylor is a 24 year old girl who works in a coffee shop and takes care of her elderly grandmother. She doesn't go out much, she only has a few close friends and she never dates. When a man enters the coffee shop, she is stunned by his good looks. But it's more than that. There is something about this man.

M is taken by Livy as well. Although he can't offer her much (he is not available- especially emotionally), he can offer her one night.

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Livy is conflicted. She doesn't do things like this. At least not any more. Livy has put her past behind her. She is a good girl. A sweet girl. She doesn't sleep with random men who can only offer her one night. But there is something about the elusive 'M' that she can't resist. So one night it is.

"If I ever make you a promise, Livy, I'll keep it… I'll never do anything less than worship you."

This 'one night' is the best sexual encounter of Livy's life. It's totally different than anything she's ever experienced. M is different from any man she's ever met.

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Olivia Taylor was a likable heroine. I loved how she was a little quirky and stayed true to herself. Her shoe collection was fabulous. The only thing that bothered me about her was her reaction to M's secret… I wish she would have been a tad more understanding. I get why she was upset and freaked a little- I would be the same way at first… but I think overall she was too hard on him. I hope the next book she will come around quickly.

'M'… what does it stand for? You will have to read to find out. But is should stand for Mysterious. Thats the best word to describe this hero. He is full of secrets. M is secretive, alpha and a bit anal about some things, but he is also a charming man. He can be adorable at times. I loved his 'thing'.

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M and Livy had intense chemistry. JEM can write some sexy scenes and this book is full of steam. But it also has loads of mystery, suspense and secrets. 'One Night Promised' wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but by the end- I'm happy to say I enjoyed it. Especially the shocking ending.

I feel the last 10% of this book was complete 5 star material. I was surprised by the ending. There were a few things I anticipated happening, but that ending… M's big secret. I didn't see it coming. I love when a story can be unpredictable for me. Even though the beginning had some slow points for me, I really feel like the rest of this trilogy will be fast paced and has the potential to be 5 stars. November needs to hurry up and get here because I have to know how things turn out for these two!!

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"I'm not sure if I can function without you, I feel like you've become a vital part of what keeps me breathing."

Jun 15, 2014 rated it really liked it  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Romance readers that enjoy a little emotional turmoil and angst
What a story! I have to say, this one surprised me. I listened to the Audible version and the narration was fantastic!

I really liked Livy and Miller, in their own way. My heart went out to Miller, despite his often cold mannerisms. Livy was sweet and had the "girl next door" thing going for her, in spite of her past ghosts. They were polar opposites...but you know what they say about opposites attracting.

Early on, it becomes evident that these two are headed for heartache, but they can't seem t

What a story! I have to say, this one surprised me. I listened to the Audible version and the narration was fantastic!

I really liked Livy and Miller, in their own way. My heart went out to Miller, despite his often cold mannerisms. Livy was sweet and had the "girl next door" thing going for her, in spite of her past ghosts. They were polar opposites...but you know what they say about opposites attracting.

Early on, it becomes evident that these two are headed for heartache, but they can't seem to resist the pull. For quite a while, they seemed stuck in a perpetual tug of war battle. On, then off. Back and forth. Repeat. If I were to change anything, I would reduce the amount of time spent on this cycle. It became a bit tedious after a while. Believe me, we got it!

Finally, they seem to get their heads on straight and for a short period of time, things are marvelous. Then, whammo! Things get completely turned upside down. I did not expect THAT twist! I suspected some type of involvement by Miller, but I guess I pictured a less "hands-on" role.

I have to say that given Livy's past, I was pretty pissed with her reaction to Miller's secret. Devastated, yes. Heartbroken, yes. Betrayed, definitely. Cruel, hypocritical and demeaning, just wrong. You'd think she'd have a little empathy for his situation and relate to his fears. Instead, she went for the jugular! I have to say I agreed with Miller about not liking the person she'd become at the end.

Nonetheless, I will be diving into the next book STAT. I have faith that Livy will see the error of her ways. At least, I'm holding out hope.

Check out more of my reviews at

✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝

"I work hard. I'm emotionally and physically drained by it. I want to have you to worship and indulge in when I'm done'

One Night Promised was a "OK" read rather than impressive one. I have to say that I adore JEM's writing and JESSE STILL tops in my book boyfriend list.

What about M? Lemme see...

Captivating? Not really
Gave me butterflies? Nah
Sexy? Handsome? Scrumptious? Yes, that he was
Mysterious? Totally

And Olivia - started well, kinda liked her character and last 10% made me wanna kick her,

"I work hard. I'm emotionally and physically drained by it. I want to have you to worship and indulge in when I'm done'

One Night Promised was a "OK" read rather than impressive one. I have to say that I adore JEM's writing and JESSE STILL tops in my book boyfriend list.

What about M? Lemme see...

Captivating? Not really
Gave me butterflies? Nah
Sexy? Handsome? Scrumptious? Yes, that he was
Mysterious? Totally

And Olivia - started well, kinda liked her character and last 10% made me wanna kick her, felt like she was acting childish -- she asked for it!

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The story line, how did go?

Interesting? Was alright as I was able to predict what they were both I recently read another fab story and One Night Promised was in that similar manner.
Flat? Yes
Hot sex? Off the charts!!! YES HAWT!!!
Writing style? Definitely loved
Originality? 50% maybe

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Well, that's me gonna peace out soon...

The way the story ended, it will look like cliffy but I kinda hated Olivia - so I really don't care how she ends LOL Hope she redeems herself in next one!
BUT I still read this series to know how M ended where he is now.

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Happy reading

D xo

Dana Ilie
Apr 20, 2018 rated it really liked it
Jodi Ellen Malpas has outdone herself with this one. There's so much more to learn about this mysterious man. Her writing has just gotten better, as you said more polished. I like the fact that her characters are different and she takes time to develop them. We read so much and sometimes these books, as well as the characters kinda just run into each other. She's done a great job detailing these complex individuals.
The ending had me gasping.
Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog
*****FIVE STARS*****
(BR with Mel, Dee, and Sharon)

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When I first heard about this book, I was beyond excited!!!
Then I read a teaser to the first chapter and I swear I was counting down the days till August 5th!!
Jodi Ellen Malpas has done it again!!
She has created a story that has completely captivated me and she's created a book boyfriend that has gone straight to my top ten list!!

I specifically took a vacation day so that I could just sit on my couch and read this from start to finish with mi

*****FIVE STARS*****
(BR with Mel, Dee, and Sharon)

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When I first heard about this book, I was beyond excited!!!
Then I read a teaser to the first chapter and I swear I was counting down the days till August 5th!!
Jodi Ellen Malpas has done it again!!
She has created a story that has completely captivated me and she's created a book boyfriend that has gone straight to my top ten list!!

I specifically took a vacation day so that I could just sit on my couch and read this from start to finish with minimal interruptions!
I'm sitting here still just completely consumed by my thoughts over what I just finished reading last night.
All I want to do is go back and start from the beginning and read it all over again!

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From the moment M. walks into the cafe Livy works at, and orders his Americano, I was intrigued.
He is completely delicious and Livy is a nervous wreck under his piercing gaze.
Then he goes and leaves her a little note on a napkin and I'm already developing a crush of my own on him!!

Fate lends a hand by having the two end up at a Fund Raising Gala. M is there as a guest and Livy is working as a server for her manager's catering company.
The minute the two see each other, the attraction is sizzling.
Livy has a little mishap and there ends up being this pretty hot scene between the two in the ladies room.

"I need to force myself to stay away from you."
"Because you seem like a sweet girl who should get more from a man than the best fuck of your life."

M is captivated with Livy. He can't seem to stay away.
Livy has led a very dull and uneventful life for the past seven years.
She lives with her NAN and the only time she ever really leaves the house is to go to work or hang out with her friend, Gregory.
Something about her mother's sordid past, has her refraining from having relationships with men and she also avoids drinking any alcohol.
I thought I had figured out what her issue was but later on, come to find out I was COMPLETELY WRONG!

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Now M comes into her life and she's willing to come out of her shell and be a bit adventurous.
He's propositioned her.
At first he offers her one night of unbelievable sexual pleasure but soon it turns into 24 hours!
But this is all he can offer because as he states he is "emotionally unavailable".
She's hesitant at first because she knows that he has already affected her and if she were to go through with this, she'll likely end up with a crushed heart!

Livy tries to walk away but her attraction to M is growing and when they end up running into each other a few times, she can no longer deny that this is going to happen between them.

M promised an AMAZING experience and he DELIVERED!!
Or shall I say Jodi did!
I already knew that the Sex was going to be OUT OF THIS WORLD HOT because the lady knows how to write good sex!!
M never rushes anything with Livy.
Every moment must be "savoured"!!
I loved his "Thing" that he needed from her!

"Cuddling's my thing with you, Olivia Taylor. I just want to hold you. Close your eyes and enjoy the silence."

M is the PERFECT man!!
He's a gifted lover, AND he loves to cuddle!!
He also seems to have OCD and a thing against riding in elevators.
His little quirks are what make him more human and even more lovable.
But there is definitely something that he is hiding and it has to do with whatever business he is in.

There is plenty of angst due to the push and pull nature of M.
One minute he's cold and closed off and the next he shows Livy his tender and affectionate side.
She was constantly in turmoil.
Not knowing if she was just one of his conquests or if he was truly starting to develop the same feelings for her that she had for him.
But he will come to realize that 24 hours will never be enough for them and that he has fallen so hard for her that he feels he needs her to be able to breathe.

"I want to surrender myself to you completely, Livy. I want to be yours. You are my perfect."

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I was fully captivated by this crazy and powerful connection that was growing between M and Livy.
But I was also very tense because I knew their love was going to be tested and that it would probably tie me up in knots!!
Something has to come into play that will tear these two apart, because this is a trilogy and Jodi knows how to bring on the gut wrenching angst.

I'm totally devastated by the ending!!
Some of us predicted what M's secret was.
I stayed in denial. I refused to even consider what everyone was predicting.
Now I feel like curling up into a ball and crying my eyes out because "One Night Denied" wont be out till November 11th!!
And that title??!!!
Oh we are in for some more gut wrenching Angst!!!
I need this book BAD!!!!!

I can't say enough about just how much I loved this one and I highly recommend it!!

Sharon ∞❥ is an emotional book junkie ❥∞
4.5 description's

Miller (aka M.) and Olivia meet when he goes into the coffee shop she works at and he orders coffee from her. She's immediately smitten and gets nervous while making the coffee especially since she's only worked there for a few days. And....Miller doesn't hesitate to let her know just how bad the coffee was.

I was bought and sold right from the note he left her. I love JEM's This Man series and was hoping for something similar and I wasn't disappointed. I couldn't put the book down!


4.5 description's

Miller (aka M.) and Olivia meet when he goes into the coffee shop she works at and he orders coffee from her. She's immediately smitten and gets nervous while making the coffee especially since she's only worked there for a few days. And....Miller doesn't hesitate to let her know just how bad the coffee was.

I was bought and sold right from the note he left her. I love JEM's This Man series and was hoping for something similar and I wasn't disappointed. I couldn't put the book down!

Miller is a secretive man and it takes a bit before we get answers about him. But some things are not too hard to figure out especially if you've read the This Man series. I really loved Miller's big just made him that more endearing. Unfortunately, what may have caused it won't be a good thing. I really wish we couldn't had his POV!!

Olivia (aka Livy) was definitely thrown for a loop with this smooth talker but I have to give her credit for trying to hold her own. Unfortunately, she runs off a lot...but with good reason.


These two are HOT!! And extremely frustrating because Miller will only do things a certain way. Plus he focuses on certain things that don't make sense in the beginning but are sooo sweet later.

There is a lot of drama naturally. A lot comes from Miller not divulging any personal information and just expecting Livy to trust him anyway. I do love how Miller can't stay away from her.

A negative for me was not knowing what was going on with Miller. Of course, I had theories...some have come to fruition and some were a bit predictable and some we just don't know yet. And when things came out in the end, I felt Livy was just a little too self-righteous!

I freaking loved the ending though! ~Sigh~ JEM does that sooo well. Definitely a Jesse moment!! Hurry up November!!


Favorite quotes

♥ "Probably the worst Americano that I've ever insulted my mouth with.

♥ "Because you seem like a sweet girl who should get more from a man than the best fuck of your life."

♥ "Don't deprive me of your eyes, Livy."

♥ "Cuddling's my thing with you, Olivia Taylor. I just want to hold you. Close your eyes and enjoy the silence."

♥ "Livy, I'm not sure twenty-four hours is going to be enough."

♥ "Savored, not rushed."

♥ "I suppose you could call me a domestic god."

♥ "I want to drown in you, Livy."

♥ "This must be heaven," he whispers. "There's no other explanation."

♥ "It's not the sex; it's the connection."

♥ "I'll never be a drunken fumble, Olivia. Every time I take you, you'll remember it. Each and every moment will be etched on that beautiful mind of yours for ever." He gently taps my temple. "Every kiss. Every touch. Every word."

*BR w/Melissa, Patty & Dee*

**Posted prior to review**

LOVE the excerpt!


Another freakin' Jesse?? I cannot wait!!

Jennifer Kyle
3.75 Stars

"This beautiful, pure girl has fallen in love with the big bad wolf."


This is the type story that you have to finish to decide whether you like it or not. It is written in a way that you just keep going waiting for the something big to happen and see if your guesses are correct. The writing is good, the pace is on the slow side and the minor characters are more likable than the main ones.

Livy has secrets and an emptiness that was left by her prostitute mother's abandonment. She ha

3.75 Stars

"This beautiful, pure girl has fallen in love with the big bad wolf."


This is the type story that you have to finish to decide whether you like it or not. It is written in a way that you just keep going waiting for the something big to happen and see if your guesses are correct. The writing is good, the pace is on the slow side and the minor characters are more likable than the main ones.

Livy has secrets and an emptiness that was left by her prostitute mother's abandonment. She has recently started a job at the local coffee shop. She lives with her Nan (best character of the book) seriously I would have preferred reading about Nan's relationship or Greg and Ben's. Anyway, she meets Miller he propositions her:

"Twenty-four hours, no strings, no commitment and no feelings, except pleasure."

Livy hems and haws about Miller's proposition and decides to go for it because she finds Miller to be very mysterious and very attractive.

The pair have a lot of hot sex but whenever Livy questions his career, or the woman on his arm, Miller refuses to give straight answers and Livy runs. Her thoughts are that she can't stay away from him, he's sexy, he can cuddle, then there's his coldness and we do this cycle repeatedly throughout the book.

"You are tender, sweet and affectionate, then hard and cruel."

I was excited to get to the big reveals but for me they were a bit too much and silly. My thoughts on the final reveals: (view spoiler)[I think having Miller be an escort, OCD, painter, club owner was too much. I would have preferred for him not have been an escort and William being his big investor for the club. Thus possibly linking Livy's past etc., without we are all prostitutes here idea and the final scene was pretty OTT. (hide spoiler)]

Regardless, I do enjoy Jodi Ellen Malpas' writing and I'm hoping she has some good ideas for the next book.

"Believe me. It's simply business."

That awkward moment when you realized that you didn't enjoy that much, a book you wanted to read so bad.

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Our mysterious M is not that captivating. He's is sexy as hell I will tell you that much, but I didn't like his personality. He's not definitely Book Boyfriend material for me.

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Livy. I didn't like her. She was childish and a lot of things about her were just unbelievable. Actually a lot of things about the story were repetitive, not romantic ( I Couldn't feel sparks between them ), M wa

That awkward moment when you realized that you didn't enjoy that much, a book you wanted to read so bad.

boring photo 540747_zps03bdab49.gif

Our mysterious M is not that captivating. He's is sexy as hell I will tell you that much, but I didn't like his personality. He's not definitely Book Boyfriend material for me.

boring photo tumblr_inline_myzi4kqmQI1ribbkq_zpscdeb2b65.gif

Livy. I didn't like her. She was childish and a lot of things about her were just unbelievable. Actually a lot of things about the story were repetitive, not romantic ( I Couldn't feel sparks between them ), M was rude and arrogant in a not a sexy way. I love Alpha Males, but they way M is, the alpha male personality is like too much for him to handle. Makes me not love him at all. He looks like a creepy stalker and not in a Christian Grey way.

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At the middle of the book i was struggling. I wanted to end it asap and when I reached the mark were I knew Livia's secret ( she has one ) and I figured out M's secret ( way too early I figured that one out ) that's when I realized the book reached the predictable status.

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Some things were similar to 'This Man" series and other books i have read. I am a BIG fan of Jodi's "This Man Trilogy". I love Jesse Ward. That trilogy was a 5 stars for me. So yes, I am sad. The book wasn't what I expected.

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Jenny - TotallybookedBlog

5+++++ this is "our thing" stars!

"You're too serious…"
"Life is serious."

Gitte: One Night Promised had me laughing till I had tears, melt into a passionate puddle; followed by huge ugly crying. Ultimately though, it made me realise that any initial fears I may have had upon starting this new trilogy from Jodi Ellen Malpas were completely unnecessary and unfounded; my expectations were met, challenged and won over.

'He's no danger to me, except, maybe, to my heart.'

Jodi managed something not


5+++++ this is "our thing" stars!

"You're too serious…"
"Life is serious."

Gitte: One Night Promised had me laughing till I had tears, melt into a passionate puddle; followed by huge ugly crying. Ultimately though, it made me realise that any initial fears I may have had upon starting this new trilogy from Jodi Ellen Malpas were completely unnecessary and unfounded; my expectations were met, challenged and won over.

'He's no danger to me, except, maybe, to my heart.'

Jodi managed something not many have, in my opinion, which is to surpass what made me fall in love with her writing to begin with. Truly, this is exactly what Jodi did by bringing M and Livy into my life. One Night Promised was extraordinarily flawless, written with such humour, passion and beauty. The story was sexy and emotional; it was intriguing and mysterious. It was bloody fantastic!

"I know being with you will be the easiest thing that I've ever done."

Every single character in this book stood out in their own right; adding humour, intrigue, friendship and love. Starting with the brilliant Nan, a character we all know and love; Nana rocks, along with her sidekick George. And Greg…sigh, we'd all love a mate like him!!

"Beautiful things should be savoured… not rushed."

The banter, the comedy element, the emotional bonds and connection to the reader. Well it was spot on and came across effortless. How hard did we fall in love this time, Jenny?!

Jenny: We certainly did fall HARD for this one Gitte! My first thought when I started reading this story was how much Jodi Ellen Malpas has grown as a writer. Sure, the trademark idiosyncrasies of her characters and writing is still there but something has changed, whatever it is I loved it and One Night- Promised completely eclipsed all my expectations. Jodi took a story and characters, shook them up and managed to bring us something distinctive and enthralling and in the process showed us what a talent she is by grabbing us and hooking us into this new trilogy!

"I want to drown in you, Livy."

One Night – Promised was captivating, heart-breaking, intriguing, emotional, passionate and consuming. There really wasn't anything I didn't like about this story or the writing – everything was faultless. It flowed beautifully and it was effortless to read. Oh and I certainly sobbed a time or two. I think I experienced just about every emotion possible throughout this story!

'It was a catch twenty two situation – fall asleep and have nightmares, or stay awake and live them.'

Oh Nan! What a fantastic and amusing character she was. In fact, as you said, all characters were essential and each played their part in making this story such an overwhelming success. From the camaraderie of friendship, the love of family and the gripping and passionate relationship between M and Livy. The characters and their words were superb!!

Gitte: Now Livy, what can I say? She's become one of my favourite heroines out there. She's incredibly vulnerable yet has an inner strength and resoluteness that makes her extremely lovable and admirable. She's got a brilliant sense of humour, she's sweet, quirky and so very real. I completely connected with her and have to say that she very quickly found a place in my heart!

"You are my perfect."… "I have to have you…"

This girl is no pushover, she stands up for herself, falls in love despite her best intentions, she understands and accepts her limitations and weaknesses. Livy's not had it easy, hence she's made some consequential mistakes, a combination of which has marked her and is shaping her life. A life that's suddenly changing after just one night….

"Promise me you won't abandon me.."

M is fascinating, he's powerful, vulnerable, very lovable, endearing, beautiful, mysterious, supremely sexy, mesmerizing and so very charming. Need me to go on? Didn't think so! I fell in love, I fell in lust and I fell at his feet! M is not This Man. M is THE man and I desperately want and need more of him!

"Every time I touch you I feel I need to do it with the utmost care…"

The beginning to M & Livy's story was surprising, humorous, captivating, passionate and addictive. It was the beginning of something that I know is going to be pretty amazing, right Jenny?

Jenny: Livy was a brilliant character and I adored her. I felt so much empathy towards her yet in the same breath I admired the grit and determination she displayed, and her sweetness and susceptibility had me wanting to protect her. I agree Gitte, she may just be one of my favourite heroines.

'He may make me feel alive, but he makes me feel lifeless just as quickly.'

M. What a brilliant character! Helllooo new book boyfriend! I'm going to say this first off…..I loved M more than Jesse Ward. There. It's out there. There was something so unique about his character, something so positively captivating! Possessing a masculine prowess, he was a mysterious, alluring, irresistible, sensual and charismatic man who left me with an overwhelming desire to learn more about him!!! I agree Gitte…I was intoxicated with love, lust…you name it, I felt it all with him! M = mystique, masculinity…mmmm….mmmmm.

"Have you thought about me?"

Jodi Ellen Malpas fans prepare to have your minds blown by this story and these characters! For readers who didn't find This Man to be their cup of tea, you really need pick this one up and give it a go! The build up to, and the way the revelations were uncovered was delivered with mouth watering perfection! This book was certainly amazing, addictive and everything else you mentioned Gitte! I Absolutely loved it! Roll on November, because we NEED MORE!

"Take me as I am, Livy."

**ARC Provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

Title: Promised
Series:One Night #1
Author:Jodi Ellen Malpas
Release Date: July 17(UK) August 5, (US) 2014
Rating:5 stars
HEA: (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)]

Five Worshiping and Cuddling stars!!

In this stunning follow up to the much acclaimed This Man series we get what every reader hopes to find. Complex characters and a plot with passion, intrigue, and it will only leave you wanting more. Many fans of the previous series are hop

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

Title: Promised
Series:One Night #1
Author:Jodi Ellen Malpas
Release Date: July 17(UK) August 5, (US) 2014
Rating:5 stars
HEA: (view spoiler)[No (hide spoiler)]

Five Worshiping and Cuddling stars!!

In this stunning follow up to the much acclaimed This Man series we get what every reader hopes to find. Complex characters and a plot with passion, intrigue, and it will only leave you wanting more. Many fans of the previous series are hoping and expecting greatness and every emotion felt while reading Jesse and Ava's story. Some will be disappointed. These characters are not carbon copies but they are individually unique. They breathe with a life of their own and personally, I loved how different they were. As loved as Jesse was, let's face it...he was an Alpha hero on steroids. People who weren't too crazy about his over-the top craziness will find more to like here. One thing that hasn't changed however, is the author's ability to grab you and hold you hard while you completely immerse yourself in the world that she crafts. I could not put this book down! I started it the second I got the e-mail with my ARC, and didn't put it down until my eyes wouldn't stay open any longer.

If you met a man, a man who's powerful, beautiful yet enigmatic and abrupt, a man who can look in your eyes and seems to see right down into your soul…could you give him one night and never look back? M is drawing her in, like a bee to honey and all the self respect and willpower she has is put to the test.

She's always played it safe, always done what's right, but when the mysterious M walks into the coffee shop where she works, she's left wondering, would she throw caution to the wind for this man? Not that she thinks that could ever happen. They're from totally different worlds and she doesn't see them ever having the opportunity to cross paths again. She was wrong.

Livy lives for simplicity, always doing the right thing and taking the safe path. She's inherited her mother's beauty and that beauty was her mother's downfall. But this intoxicating man is tempting her beyond reason. With every interaction with him, she only finds herself getting drawn in closer, despite her knowledge of one absolute truth: this man could ruin her.

I'm getting into unknown territory-dangerous territory. after my years of avoiding all men, even the decent ones, I'm finding myself encouraging one who looks like he should definitely be left alone.

M offers her one night. One night of untold pleasures but nothing more. That's all he has to offer and as much as she wants him, that's not good enough. He seems harsh, but at the same time, you can see his deep vulnerability and wonder at what hides behind it. He almost seems to need Livy-her sweetness and pureness are so alluring to him.

"You're knocking me sideways, Olivia Taylor," he murmurs, claiming my lips gently. "You're making me question everything I thought I knew."

Livy can't hold off forever, because, let's face it, not many could. They both get sucked into this whirlwind that neither has expected but neither can refuse.

The chemistry was amazing. Passionate, sensual and intense. M has two demands: he needs to worship her slowly, and he needs cuddling. *SWOON* How perfect is that? He's demanding, he's got a dirty mouth, and he's focused on one thing: Livy. I loved how aggressive he was at times, and others he was completely sweet and needy with her. She gives him more than just the physical. She makes him hope, she makes him happy, and she makes all the bad go away in her arms.

He demands everything from her. Every piece of her. But he can't give the same in return. He's secretive and has some odd idiosyncrasies that are worrisome. And Livy....she has her own mysteries to be solved.

I loved this book! It kept me guessing, it was exciting, fast paced, and got my heart pounding. Everything a great book should be. Yes, there is a cliffhanger, however that should be expected with a three part book series. Although I'm never a fan of those, the ending was a shocker. I cannot wait to read the continuation in the next book.

I was so thankful for the privilege of getting an advanced copy-I'm not ashamed to say I begged anyone who would listen to have mercy on me and send me one. Thank you Jodi and Siobhan!


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* Meli Mel *

♥♥♥ 3.75 STARS ♥♥♥

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"I've lost control of everything. My mind. My heart. He's hijacking every part of me. I'm at his mercy. And I like it."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Livy is a twenty four year old newly employed at a coffee shop, where she is still struggling to get a hang on the coffee machine. In walks in a mysteriously handsome man looking to get a cup of coffee. The attraction is immediate, which causes Livy to f

♥♥♥ 3.75 STARS ♥♥♥

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"I've lost control of everything. My mind. My heart. He's hijacking every part of me. I'm at his mercy. And I like it."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Livy is a twenty four year old newly employed at a coffee shop, where she is still struggling to get a hang on the coffee machine. In walks in a mysteriously handsome man looking to get a cup of coffee. The attraction is immediate, which causes Livy to fluster. After leaving a note he signed as "M" that insulted her coffee, she dislikes him. Thinking she will never see him again, she does. This is when she knows that the attraction is not one sided. He can't give everything she deserves, but he can give her one night of amazing pleasure.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"Every time I take you, you'll remember it. Each and every moment will be etched on that beautiful mind of yours for ever. Every kiss. Every touch. Every word."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Livy had been taking care of her sick grandmother. Her Nan isn't sick anymore but Livy still lives with her. Nan keeps pushing Livy to live a little because all she does is stay at home, she's never been the partying type. Now, she meets M, wanting to spend one night with her and she doesn't know what to do. She's never done anything like this just for the fun of it. But, the sexy M can be very persuasive and soon she gives in.
●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"Cuddling's my thing with you, Olivia Taylor. I just want to hold you. Close your eyes and enjoy the silence."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

I really enjoyed this story. It did start off a bit slow for me--even though things were going pretty fast between the characters--I thought for a second that I wasn't going to like this, but, I did. I liked Livy for the most part. She was quirky and could be quite sassy which I liked. I liked that she was herself and didn't really care what anyone thought of her. I loved her funny and nosey Nan. I didn't really care for the clichéd gay best friend because he had his moments, but he was alright for the most part. M, however, really got my interest. He was such a jerk at times that it made me get pissed off, and then he would do something so freaking hot that would make me melt. He was a total enigma and like Livy, I was crazy with wanting to know more about him.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

"I want to surrender myself to you completely, Livy. I want to be yours. You are my perfect."

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

As the book progressed the more I became hooked to the story. I didn't end up loving it, but I did really like it. The steam in this book was really hot! There was just no way you can resist M. The ending was really great, although I was not happy with how Livy handled the big secret that was revealed. It has definitely left me über curious as to what will happen next. So, I am going to have to jump into the next part fast. Overall, it was a good read. Not a bad start to the series.

Pavlina Read more sleep less blog
3 stars

This book is my first from Jodi Ellen Malpas and it was ok for me!It starts really good, I loved the mystery around M,he really intrigues me and I wanted to know who is he and what exactly he wants from Livy.

Livy is working in a coffee shop and she lives with her grandmother!She isn't comfortable with men and when they ask her out she always say no..Until she meets the mysterious,arrogant and beautiful man who will intrigued her a lot! What he wants from her?One night of pleasure..But Liv

3 stars

This book is my first from Jodi Ellen Malpas and it was ok for me!It starts really good, I loved the mystery around M,he really intrigues me and I wanted to know who is he and what exactly he wants from Livy.

Livy is working in a coffee shop and she lives with her grandmother!She isn't comfortable with men and when they ask her out she always say no..Until she meets the mysterious,arrogant and beautiful man who will intrigued her a lot! What he wants from her?One night of pleasure..But Livy wants more from him because he makes her feel...

What I didn't like was the fact that there were some conversations that I found repeative .Also the developed was too slow for my taste. My biggest problem was the sex scenes. Why Mr. M you were like that??Why???? I expected more from you...I mean usually in these type of books we get a hotter lover in the bedroom. I mean a little more aggressive from what they are on their real life. Sadly in this book Miler is too regular. If you read the book you will understand what I mean! Apart from this I like him a lot he was sexy, protective, mysterious and arrogant.Livy is too sweet.Sometimes I didn't like her a lot because I wanted from her to react differently and she pissed me a lot.But I loved her grandma!She is amazing and so funny!!

I'm going to read the next book and see how this story will continue!Maybe I like it more than this one!!


Apr 16, 2014 rated it really liked it
4 "M Stands For Mysterious" Stars!

Olivia is a 24 year old girl who works in a coffee shop and takes care of her old grandmother. She lives what apparently is a very simple life, until the day her path's cross with "M". They meet, they instantly connect but he can't give her more than the name "M" and the promise of one amazing night together.
But a night turns into something much more deep and power and that's dangerous when they are both hiding a past and secrets. And when those secrets start

4 "M Stands For Mysterious" Stars!

Olivia is a 24 year old girl who works in a coffee shop and takes care of her old grandmother. She lives what apparently is a very simple life, until the day her path's cross with "M". They meet, they instantly connect but he can't give her more than the name "M" and the promise of one amazing night together.
But a night turns into something much more deep and power and that's dangerous when they are both hiding a past and secrets. And when those secrets starts to come out they realize they can be much more alike than what they taught… and that puts them both in a risky path neither of them wants to get out.


This was a mind-blown reading. There was so many secrets and so many strange things happening that it was impossible not to be hooked to it, wanting to know what would be happening next. Jodi Malpas had huge shoes to fill after "This Man" series, but so far I'm thinking she did a good job doing it. This was a steamy and thrilling romance and I can't wait to read the rest of their electrifying love story.


Rating: 4 Stars.
Characters Development: Livie was sweet although a little stubborn, sometimes bordering on petulant. But she was strong willed and I liked that… and her most of the times. Miller could be an asshole, but one I hated to love. He was clearly out of his element with his feelings and he was endearing when he wanted it to be. I liked him. I liked the grandmother as well, but I'm still a little on the fence with the rest of the supporting characters.
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects: (view spoiler)[ Is prostitution a sensible subject? (hide spoiler)]
Love Triangle: (view spoiler)[No. (hide spoiler)]
Cheating: (view spoiler)[ Ugh…not really? (hide spoiler)]
HEA: (view spoiler)[Cliffhanger. (hide spoiler)]

Jul 14, 2014 rated it liked it

>> >> >> >> >> OH MAN...<< << << << <<

I can't believe what I'm about to say... but this book left me somewhat disappointed :/

After reading the promising blurb I was so excited to meet the mysterious M

Normally, I fall in love with a book within the first pages, but that was definitely not the case here.
I just couldn't connect with the main characters and the storyline didn't grab me like I thought it would.

But then - at almost 80% - **bang** it finally got better and M star

>> >> >> >> >> OH MAN...<< << << << <<

I can't believe what I'm about to say... but this book left me somewhat disappointed :/

After reading the promising blurb I was so excited to meet the mysterious M

Normally, I fall in love with a book within the first pages, but that was definitely not the case here.
I just couldn't connect with the main characters and the storyline didn't grab me like I thought it would.

But then - at almost 80% - **bang** it finally got better and M started to grow on me.

The heroine, Livy was a bit annoying. But I've had worse ;)

I'm pretty sure I'm going to read the next book, because the ending left me wanting more. And of course because it's Jodi Ellen Malpas. The one and only who gave us "THE LORD"


» It's live!! YAY!! «

Apr 16, 2014 rated it liked it
The mysterious 'M' has had me intrigued since the blurb for this book was revealed so I was excited to start reading as soon as it hit my kindle. We begin by meeting Livy, a bit of a hermit, gay best friend, lives with her Nan and works at a bistro. She is afraid to live her life to the full in case she turns out like her mother, who abandoned her at a young age in favour of sex and the high life.

'M' visits the bistro in search of a coffee, Americano, 4 shots, 2 sugars and topped up half way (yu

The mysterious 'M' has had me intrigued since the blurb for this book was revealed so I was excited to start reading as soon as it hit my kindle. We begin by meeting Livy, a bit of a hermit, gay best friend, lives with her Nan and works at a bistro. She is afraid to live her life to the full in case she turns out like her mother, who abandoned her at a young age in favour of sex and the high life.

'M' visits the bistro in search of a coffee, Americano, 4 shots, 2 sugars and topped up half way (yuk!) and he is aloof, commanding and a bit sexy. I really enjoyed the first 20% and I was confident that 'M' would steal my heart.

Unfortunately it went a bit downhill for me when 'M' proposes a one night deal with Lily to which, after not that much persuading, she agrees.

'M' becomes, dare I say, a bit sappy. He's an upper class gentleman, and I'm sorry but that's not my type at all. He had a strange way of speaking, phrases such as 'I concur ' and 'as you wish' - it was cringy and reminded me of Hugh Grant or Colin Firth!

We has some amusing banter between Livy and her Nan, but nothing particularly interesting.

What I thought would be hot and steamy scenes ended up being a bit too romantic for this stage in the trilogy, they literally just met and they have a pet name for cuddles.

Livy was constantly being reprimanded for not looking at him whilst he was talking, plus if she didn't answer a question straight away he'd tell her off. I just wanted her to grow a back bone and tell him to swivel.

The last 10% picks up when Livy gets jealous of his sexy female business partner (sound familiar?) who he part owns a club with (sound familiar?) and she decides to do something about it.

I must admit I didn't guess the twist so that was a pleasant turn of events and I'm eager to continue with the trilogy now I know what could be in store.

So in summary, first bit was good, the middle was a bit meh, and the ending was pretty exciting.

3 'it was OK' Stars


Livy is playing it safe. Unwilling to allow life to take a detour. Caring for her grandmother has been her focus for years. Afraid of becoming her mother, afraid of falling into a life that could have destroyed her. But when he walks in, her life is going to be flipped upside down. He makes her want things she thought had faded into the past and for him, she exposes the worst parts of her life only so he can take it all away.

M is all bits mysterious and although we do learn his name, we'll k


Livy is playing it safe. Unwilling to allow life to take a detour. Caring for her grandmother has been her focus for years. Afraid of becoming her mother, afraid of falling into a life that could have destroyed her. But when he walks in, her life is going to be flipped upside down. He makes her want things she thought had faded into the past and for him, she exposes the worst parts of her life only so he can take it all away.

M is all bits mysterious and although we do learn his name, we'll keep that façade in place for a little while longer. His life is in constant motion. He's emotionally unavailable, but for this girl he is willing to break his own rules. If he can have her for just once, for just twenty-four hours maybe he can work her out of his system.


But time isn't on their side and with each passing hour, he wants more. For Livy, falling for this kind of dangerous isn't difficult. But too many secrets lie in the dark waiting to pounce. This man awakens something within her that she had tried to outrun, but with that beast now awake, her life is never going to be the same.


I am torn. I wanted epic. I wanted something that would stand alongside This Man and a hero that would match or exceed Jesse Ward. I needed this story to pull me in hold me hostage and it just didn't. JEM's writing is fantastic and she did a great job giving us a mysterious hero that grabs your attention but it just lacked that feeling. I disconnected through scenes that should have had my full attention. But the more intimate sides to the story weren't the kind that grabbed your attention and left you panting for more. It's hard to explain, but it just sort of like I was doing nothing more than seeing the words on the page... no images fluttered through my mind... just words describing what was happening.

I have sat on writing this review for a few day trying to sort out just what I feel after putting some more thought into this. This honestly is around a 3-3.5 book for me, there are two stand out things that gives me that push to move towards a 4. His thing, loved it. It allowed me to grasp onto him a bit more tightly than I had been. At the end of the story, as some truths are known and some reactions are shown – I felt like I finally saw these characters showing some real emotions. These scenes and the way they made me feel was what I had been longing for throughout the entire book.

I have a feeling that this series is going to be one of those reads that brings everything together as a whole, rather than the individual books standing alone in their glory. This was definitely a build up to what could be an amazing story, I just hope that the feeling of the last 10-15% of this story carries forward into the rest of the series.

Jul 17, 2014 rated it did not like it
I can't remember the last time i was so bored reading a book - I couldn't wait for this one but unfortunately it was a big let down - i forced myself to finish it but it was painful, really painful and the repetition of "I concur" almost brought me to tears - I can't remember the last time i was so bored reading a book - I couldn't wait for this one but unfortunately it was a big let down - i forced myself to finish it but it was painful, really painful and the repetition of "I concur" almost brought me to tears - ...more
Gitte TotallyBookedBlog

5+++++ this is "our thing" stars!

"You're too serious…"
"Life is serious."

Gitte: One Night Promised had me laughing till I had tears, melt into a passionate puddle; followed by huge ugly crying. Ultimately though, it made me realise that any initial fears I may have had upon starting this new trilogy from Jodi Ellen Malpas were completely unnecessary and unfounded; my expectations were met, challenged and won over.

'He's no danger to me, except, maybe, to my heart.'

Jodi managed something not


5+++++ this is "our thing" stars!

"You're too serious…"
"Life is serious."

Gitte: One Night Promised had me laughing till I had tears, melt into a passionate puddle; followed by huge ugly crying. Ultimately though, it made me realise that any initial fears I may have had upon starting this new trilogy from Jodi Ellen Malpas were completely unnecessary and unfounded; my expectations were met, challenged and won over.

'He's no danger to me, except, maybe, to my heart.'

Jodi managed something not many have, in my opinion, which is to surpass what made me fall in love with her writing to begin with. Truly, this is exactly what Jodi did by bringing M and Livy into my life. One Night Promised was extraordinarily flawless, written with such humour, passion and beauty. The story was sexy and emotional; it was intriguing and mysterious. It was bloody fantastic!

"I know being with you will be the easiest thing that I've ever done."

Every single character in this book stood out in their own right; adding humour, intrigue, friendship and love. Starting with the brilliant Nan, a character we all know and love; Nana rocks, along with her sidekick George. And Greg…sigh, we'd all love a mate like him!!

"Beautiful things should be savoured… not rushed."

The banter, the comedy element, the emotional bonds and connection to the reader. Well it was spot on and came across effortless. How hard did we fall in love this time, Jenny?!

Jenny: We certainly did fall HARD for this one Gitte! My first thought when I started reading this story was how much Jodi Ellen Malpas has grown as a writer. Sure, the trademark idiosyncrasies of her characters and writing is still there but something has changed, whatever it is I loved it and One Night- Promised completely eclipsed all my expectations. Jodi took a story and characters, shook them up and managed to bring us something distinctive and enthralling and in the process showed us what a talent she by grabbing us and hooking us into this new trilogy!

"I want to drown in you, Livy."

One Night – Promised was captivating, heart-breaking, intriguing, emotional, passionate and consuming. There really wasn't anything I didn't like about this story or the writing – everything was faultless. It flowed beautifully and it was effortless to read. Oh and I certainly sobbed a time or two. I think I experienced just about every emotion possible throughout this story!

'It was a catch twenty two situation – fall asleep and have nightmares, or stay awake and live them.'

Oh Nan! What a fantastic and amusing character she was. In fact, as you said, all characters were essential and each played their part in making this story such an overwhelming success. From the camaraderie of friendship, the love of family and the gripping and passionate relationship between M and Livy. The characters and their words were superb!!

Gitte: Now Livy, what can I say? She's become one of my favourite heroines out there. She's incredibly vulnerable yet has an inner strength and resoluteness that makes her extremely lovable and admirable. She's got a brilliant sense of humour, she's sweet, quirky and so very real. I completely connected with her and have to say that she very quickly found a place in my heart!

"You are my perfect."… "I have to have you…"

This girl is no pushover, she stands up for herself, falls in love despite her best intentions, she understands and accepts her limitations and weaknesses. Livy's not had it easy, hence she's made some consequential mistakes, a combination of which has marked her and is shaping her life. A life that's suddenly changing after just one night….

"Promise me you won't abandon me.."

M is fascinating, he's powerful, vulnerable, very lovable, endearing, beautiful, mysterious, supremely sexy, mesmerizing and so very charming. Need me to go on? Didn't think so! I fell in love, I fell in lust and I fell at his feet! M is not This Man. M is THE man and I desperately want and need more of him!

"Every time I touch you I feel I need to do it with the utmost care…"

The beginning to M & Livy's story was surprising, humorous, captivating, passionate and addictive. It was the beginning of something that I know is going to be pretty amazing, right Jenny?

Jenny: Livy was a brilliant character and I adored her. I felt so much empathy towards her and in the same breath I admired the grit and determination she displayed, and her sweetness and susceptibility had me wanting to protect her. I agree Gitte, she may just be one of my favourite heroines.

'He may make me feel alive, but he makes me feel lifeless just as quickly.'

M. What a brilliant character! Helllooo new book boyfriend! I'm going to say this first off…..I loved M more than Jesse Ward. There. It's out there. There was something so unique about his character, something so positively captivating! Possessing a masculine prowess, he was mysterious, alluring, irresistible, sensual and charismatic man who left me with an overwhelming desire to learn more about him!!! I agree Gitte…I was intoxicated with love, lust…you name it, I felt it all with him! M = mystique, masculinity…mmmm….mmmmm.

"Have you thought about me?"

Jodi Ellen Malpas fans prepare to have your mind blown by this story and these characters! For readers who didn't find This Man was their cup of tea, you really need pick this one up and give it a go! The build up to, and the way the revelations were uncovered were delivered with mouth watering perfection! This book was certainly amazing, addictive and everything else you mentioned Gitte! I Absolutely loved it! Roll on November, because we NEED MORE!

"Take me as I am, Livy."

**ARC Provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

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MELISSA *Mel Reader*
5 I Have To Have You Stars!
(BR with Sharon, Patty & Denisse)

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Olivia Taylor aka Livy/My Sweet Girl is a 24 yr. old woman living in London with her 81 yr. old grandmother. She has lived with her since she was born, and is her only family, other than her best friend Gregory that she adores like a brother.

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Livy works at a bistro/coffee shop, and also helps her boss with his catering business as a server. Other than work, Livy doesn't have much of a social life. Most of the time she stays h

5 I Have To Have You Stars!
(BR with Sharon, Patty & Denisse)

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Olivia Taylor aka Livy/My Sweet Girl is a 24 yr. old woman living in London with her 81 yr. old grandmother. She has lived with her since she was born, and is her only family, other than her best friend Gregory that she adores like a brother.

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Livy works at a bistro/coffee shop, and also helps her boss with his catering business as a server. Other than work, Livy doesn't have much of a social life. Most of the time she stays home, and lives a boring life.

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One day at work a man comes in and orders an Americano. He has an exquisite face she just can't quit staring at. She is absolutely captivated by his presence, and finds him fascinating & intriguing.

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Livy continues to run into this beautiful, rich, stunning, mysterious man that she feels drawn to. She has never felt such a strong attraction to a man, and she can't quit thinking about him. Livy finds out this man's name is Miller Hart aka M. Miller is also extremely attracted to Livy, and decides he has to have her. He asks her to spend one night with him. He offers her 24 hours of incredible pleasure, and nothing more. No emotions, just crazy, unbelievable sex she will never forget.

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Livy originally refuses Miller's proposition. She is generally sensible and tries to protect her heart. Eventually her desire for him outweighs her common sense, and she gives in to a night of passion with this delicious stranger.

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Livy finds Miller to be charming, and a caring attentive lover. He is a gentleman with her, and his tenderness surprises her. She feels powerless and vulnerable as she surrenders to him. Her feelings for him are too intense, and scare her. He screams heartbreaker, and she decides it is a good thing she won't see him again after this one night together.

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Livy and Miller still cross paths after their one night, and can't seem to stay away from each other. Miller is very conflicted with his reaction to Livy. He is sweet & affectionate one moment, and then cruel & moody the next. When things get too personal, he retreats.

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As much as they fight it, they are falling for one another. Miller is the only man Livy has ever truly connected with, & even though he's like one huge roller coaster ride, she can't forget about him, or deny him. He is attentive, and makes her feel alive. No one can compare to him. Her body & heart crave him, and he becomes her safe place.

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JEM has done it again! I really loved this book! Miller was yummy & I adored how sweet he was! I can't wait for the next book! :D

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-The definition of perfection is standing before me and it has me staring in wonder.

-I'm shocked, not because of how incredibly stunning he is, but because I've lost all of my bodily functions, except my eyes. They're working just fine, and they can't see to disconnect from his flawlessness.

-"Smile at me." "Olivia Taylor, if I have you, then I'll be smiling for the rest of my life."

-"I'll never do anything less than worship you," he whispers.

-"Savored, Livy. Never rushed."

-"It's like something powerful happens," he whispers.

-Whenever he catches my attention with that gaze, I'm hypnotized...helpless. I'm his.

-Miller Hart rules my body. And it's fast becoming obvious that he rules my heart, too.

-Miller Hart's thing has fast become my thing, too. Nothing will ever beat the sense of refuge and solace that I get from a simple cuddle delivered by Miller.

Dee Montoya
****4 Enticing Stars****

(BR with Patty, Sharon and Mel)

As we all know the talented Jodie Ellen Malpas is the creator of one of our most beloved characters, Jesse Ward also known as The Lord of the Manor, but if you are planing on reading Promised (One Night #1), do yourself a favor and please forget about Jesse for a moment and give Ms. Malpas the opportunity to impress you yet again with this new story, and trust me she will. There is no comparison between these two amazing series, they are eac

****4 Enticing Stars****

(BR with Patty, Sharon and Mel)

As we all know the talented Jodie Ellen Malpas is the creator of one of our most beloved characters, Jesse Ward also known as The Lord of the Manor, but if you are planing on reading Promised (One Night #1), do yourself a favor and please forget about Jesse for a moment and give Ms. Malpas the opportunity to impress you yet again with this new story, and trust me she will. There is no comparison between these two amazing series, they are each unique in their own right, so don't expect this book to be another This Man, open your heart to someone new, someone delectable, M...

Livy is a woman who has been hiding from her past secrets and the hurt caused by her mother's abandonment. She's been wasting her life away, by staying home caring for her grandma, she has no social life whatsoever and until now she didn't even had a job. Now that her Gran is doing better she has no excuse but to get employed at the local coffee shop where on her second day she meets the most beautiful and arrogant man she's ever met. Miller hated the coffee but he couldn't help but to feel a pull towards the girl who served him the bad drink and against his intentions he can't wait to see her again. The attraction is palpable every time Livy and Miller see each other but the only thing he can offer her in one night of pleasure, and after much thought she is helpless to her body's desires and accepts.

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Miller has a big secret, that he hides behind control; he likes neat, organized and uncomplicated, and his new obsession Livy is everything but those things. They find refuge in each other, the passion is all consuming and neither of them can do anything but fall into the pleasure than will soon turn into love.

"I don't want to be read, Livy. I want to be flooded in the pleasure you give me."

" Savored, Livy. Never rushed."

I thought this book was truly great, I was totally lost in it's mystery and the plot's intricacy kept me at the edge of my seat from beginning to end. The sensuality of the words playing around in my head as I was reading the story of these two broken souls falling in love , will not be something I'll soon forget, if ever. I did in the end had a little issue with the heroine, as she was reacting to the situation in a very hypocritical way and also such issue was a bit overly presented in the story and at least in Livy's case she could have done without. Another point against me in this story was the intensity of the cliffhanger, but that's because I'm totally allergic to them. I don't know how in the world will I be able to wait until Fall to read the next book, because as of now I can't stop thinking about my utterly perfect M.

My Promised (One night #1)Playlist:
*Enjoy The Silence by Depeche Mode
*Dangerous by Big Data
*Unfinished Sympathy by Massive Attack
*Gympsy Woman by Crystal Waters.

Apr 16, 2014 rated it it was ok
To say I'm disappointed in this first book of JEM's new series would be a massive understatement. I really, really liked her "This Man" series and was expecting so much more out of "One Night Promised" but I just struggled horribly with this book. I puttered my way through the first 40% and could not stop myself from skimming the rest. I like this author so much, I couldn't bring myself to DNF but I also knew I was not going to make it through the rest of the book otherwise.

From the very beginn

To say I'm disappointed in this first book of JEM's new series would be a massive understatement. I really, really liked her "This Man" series and was expecting so much more out of "One Night Promised" but I just struggled horribly with this book. I puttered my way through the first 40% and could not stop myself from skimming the rest. I like this author so much, I couldn't bring myself to DNF but I also knew I was not going to make it through the rest of the book otherwise.

From the very beginning I felt no connection with the H and h and that feeling only got worse as I read. Neither character was particularly likable in my opinion, and I also never really felt any chemistry between Miller and Livy. And, on a side note, let me just say how completely sick to death I am of the gay, man-whore, BFF character who always annoyingly graces the heroine with a silly moniker like 'baby girl'. I have read so many books with that same character over the past year that it's getting ridiculous. Speaking of said best friend...just exactly what kind of respectable BFF would take Livy to a night club, let her get drunk, and then abandon her on the dance floor so he can go get his rocks off all while knowing what kind of history she has with risky behavior? Not one I'm going to like or root for, I can tell you that.

As far as the storyline goes, I thought it was pretty obvious what Miller's 'occupation' was early on. There wasn't much shock or suspense in his revelation and Livy's reveal fell pretty flat too; it made completely no sense whatsoever and I just thought it was flat out silly. I found myself shaking my head and side-eyeing my empty living room more times that I can count. This story was so slow also, and just downright boring in a lot of parts.

It pains me to write such a negative review because I really do think a lot of JEM's writing. I can't help but think that I may be more down on this story than I ought to be because I just can't help but compare it with her first series. Fair or not, "Promised" fell woefully short with me. I see quite a few glowing reviews so this story obviously resonates with a lot of folks and that makes me glad for the author. I wish her a lot of success but this book just wasn't for me.

4.5 sweet girl stars

Olivia Taylor felt the ground beneath her feet seismically move the day the mysterious, moody, meticulous, masterly, methodical M entered her life.

In an attempt to remain spoiler free, I'm just going to say that it took me a little while to warm to M, but once I did, I was left panting for November! I enjoyed Livy's character very much, and the dialogue with her Nan was epic. The storyline was entertaining, where plenty of scenes have been set for it to develop nicely.


4.5 sweet girl stars

Olivia Taylor felt the ground beneath her feet seismically move the day the mysterious, moody, meticulous, masterly, methodical M entered her life.

In an attempt to remain spoiler free, I'm just going to say that it took me a little while to warm to M, but once I did, I was left panting for November! I enjoyed Livy's character very much, and the dialogue with her Nan was epic. The storyline was entertaining, where plenty of scenes have been set for it to develop nicely.

Jodi had her work cut out for her, given M's predecessor, but she managed to convince me that M will give The Lord a run for his money.

Stephanie • Ideally Inspired
*An Advance Reader Copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*






In a nutshell, me thinks this may have been better if it were a novella. Things got boring early on, and right when I thought it was picking up, it took two steps back into snoozeville.

I was hoping that since it was a new series, that I might've actually enjoyed this one-- the premise/blurb was definitely intriguing enough. I thought wrong.

Maybe me and Jodi Ellen Malpas' books don't mi

*An Advance Reader Copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*






In a nutshell, me thinks this may have been better if it were a novella. Things got boring early on, and right when I thought it was picking up, it took two steps back into snoozeville.

I was hoping that since it was a new series, that I might've actually enjoyed this one-- the premise/blurb was definitely intriguing enough. I thought wrong.

Maybe me and Jodi Ellen Malpas' books don't mix.

I've seen that other people are loving this.

I'm not other people.


Jun 16, 2014 rated it really liked it

NOW LIVE ON AMAZON US! One Night (Promised)

"Every time I take you, you'll remember it. Each and every moment will be etched on that beautiful mind of yours forever. Every kiss. Every touch. Every word. Because that's how it is for me."

Ever since reading JEM's "The Man" trilogy and having Jesse Ward infiltrate my heart, being excited for this book would be a complete understatement! I managed to get the book once it went live and I couldn't wait to see what JEM

NOW LIVE ON AMAZON US! One Night (Promised)

"Every time I take you, you'll remember it. Each and every moment will be etched on that beautiful mind of yours forever. Every kiss. Every touch. Every word. Because that's how it is for me."

Ever since reading JEM's "The Man" trilogy and having Jesse Ward infiltrate my heart, being excited for this book would be a complete understatement! I managed to get the book once it went live and I couldn't wait to see what JEM would bring to M and Livy's story.

The book starts off with a prologue chapter that would leave you confused and clueless where the story is heading to. Being told from a 3rd person POV, you have no idea who it is. I loved that as it kept me guessing on how this would play a part in the whole story.

We enter the life of Olivia. Sweet and seemingly naive girl who refuses to date anyone and lives by her Converse shoes. She stays and cares for her Nan (grandma) who really enjoys baking upside-down pineapple cake and shopping at Harrods. Her Nan oftens encourages her to live her life more and reminds Livy that she is "nothing like her mother" who abandoned her as a child. I really enjoyed the quirky & funny interaction between Livy and her Nan as it brings some light-hearted humor to the book.

All of her attempts to avoid a relationship came to a halt when she meets M. On their first encounter, his sharp blue-eyed gaze completely knocks Livy off her calm demeanor and little did she know that soon, he would change her world forever. With the undeniable attraction and explosive sparks between both of them, M offers Livy a proposition.

"I've made clear how it'll be, Livy. If you can deal with that, then for the next twenty-four hours, it's just us – my body and your body doing incredible things."

But will one night be enough for both of them?

One thing I love about JEM's writing is the allusiveness of her characters' past. Although the secrets are slowly unfurling throughout the book, there are still so many lingering questions in my mind for both of them. We do learn rather a lot about Livy in this book, but there is so much more to M that JEM hasn't told us yet.

Speaking of M, I know a lot of people were hoping for another repeat of Jesse Ward in this book. While I was also secretly hoping for that too, M is definitely no Jesse. But did I still enjoy reading M? I was actually quite amused reading M because I've never come across a gentleman with a rather aloof, compulsive behavior. It threw me off a little from my usual type of fictional men, but nevertheless his sweet lines and protective behavior started growing on me.

"Feeling you gives me untold pleasure, Livy. But touching you, touching your soul. That's beyond the realms of pleasure."

Admittedly I was conflicted on how much I should rate this book because I see many rating it 5 stars while some rated less. I've always loved JEM's writings and how she made a lot of readers fall in love with Jesse. While I was hoping to fall completely in love with M and gushed about the book, it fell slightly short of my expectations.

Overall, the book had a few hits and misses. It was rather slow-paced for me and the sex scenes were just okay. Both the MCs so far are rather...meh for me right now. Livy may come off as a bit annoying at times & M, well he is still a mystery right now =\

I couldn't give it a 5-stars because the book didn't WOW-ed me as I would have expected. But I still believe it deserves 4 stars for the promising delivery of the story so far and I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment of the book. Needless to say, JEM certainly has a way to end her books and you guys can bet that the ending will have you wanting the 2nd book to be here now D:

I was so excited to hear that there was a new series starting from Jodi Ellen Malpas! I loved her character Jesse from This Man..(who didn't?!)so I was dying to see what kind of hero she would create this time around. I have to say that the mysterious "M" is definitely a hero that I did melt over, and I am eager for more of him; but there were some things in this book that I was a bit hesitant about.
In the beginning of the story, I was sucked right into the storyline, and I became absorbed into
I was so excited to hear that there was a new series starting from Jodi Ellen Malpas! I loved her character Jesse from This Man..(who didn't?!)so I was dying to see what kind of hero she would create this time around. I have to say that the mysterious "M" is definitely a hero that I did melt over, and I am eager for more of him; but there were some things in this book that I was a bit hesitant about.
In the beginning of the story, I was sucked right into the storyline, and I became absorbed into the characters and the mystery that surrounded both of them. The sex between the two was ok; but I wasn't floored by it. I found that JEM's other series had way more intensity when it came to the bedroom scenes. I am beginning to think that my problem is that I am trying to compare the two series when I really shouldn't! The ending though, really disappointed me...or I should say that the heroine's actions really rubbed me the wrong way. It made it so that I lost a lot of respect for Livy, and I just hope that she will redeem herself in the next book. She really did leave a bad taste in my mouth with the way she acted. On the whole though, I did enjoy this book, and I do feel that the series as it continues on, has the potential to become very wonderful. Is the storyline unique? I didn't really find it that has some characteristics in it that seem to be very common in today's popular romances.

I don't want to go into a lot of details about the book, as there is somewhat an air of mystery surrounding M..I will say, when the twist comes out about him...I was SHOCKED! JEM got me good! I have heard that others saw it coming; but I did not! I am very curious to see where this whole story is going to go, and I just cross my fingers that when the second book comes out; Livy pulls up her big girl panties and starts acting like a woman with class, instead of a child having a temper tantrum.. Time will tell, and I will definitely have my one clicking finger excercised and ready for the next installment!

Akanksha❤ Søren♰
Fuck!! This book was so good. I expected it to be really bad, because I hated the This Man series [except the third book] and after reading this, I was like WOW.

I seriously loved it... even thought I guess the 'secret' really early, it didn't hamper with the book's experience..
Now I'm off onto book 2 to see what happens next! *eeeeeee* so excited.

Fuck!! This book was so good. I expected it to be really bad, because I hated the This Man series [except the third book] and after reading this, I was like WOW.

I seriously loved it... even thought I guess the 'secret' really early, it didn't hamper with the book's experience..
Now I'm off onto book 2 to see what happens next! *eeeeeee* so excited.

'A lingering idea that I just couldn't ignore.' – Jodi Ellen Malpas

Jodi Ellen Malpas wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN - the first book of the This Man Trilogy - in Octobe

'A lingering idea that I just couldn't ignore.' – Jodi Ellen Malpas

Jodi Ellen Malpas wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN - the first book of the This Man Trilogy - in October 2012. She took a chance on a story with a hero who soon became one of modern day fictions most prolific alpha male characters.

Jesse Ward – also affectionately known as The Lord of The Manor, sparked incredible reactions from women across the globe and catapulted Jodi into the world of women's fiction. With so much love and enthusiasm from her readers, and a thirst for more of her words, Jodi suddenly wasn't afraid of her imagination anymore. She went on to write The One Night Trilogy with the delectable and mysterious Miller Hart, and stole the hearts of her readers once again. She's now a proud #1 New York Times bestselling author – all six of her published novels having hit the New York Times best sellers list – as well as a Sunday Times bestseller and international best seller. Her work is published in over 20 languages across the world.

Jodi was born and raised in the Midlands town of Northampton, England, where she lives with her two boys and a beagle. She is a self-professed daydreamer, a Converse & mojito addict, and has a terrible weak spot for Alpha Males.

Writing powerful love stories and creating addictive characters has become her passion – a passion she now shares with her devoted readers


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